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CTA requests offers for the open call management platform for the European project SCAIRA

Closed Offer

Ficha de la oferta

Opening date:
May 13, 2024

May 27, 2024

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Technological Corporation of Andalusia (CTA) has opened the deadline to receive offers for the license to use an open call management platform for the SCAIRA project (project code: S1/1.4/F0026; project title: “Creation and Acceleration of start-ups in Rural Areas to Promote Sustainable Manufacturing”), funded by the Interreg Sudoe 2021-2027 program of the European Union.


FUNDACIÓN CORPORACIÓN TECNOLÓGICA DE ANDALUCÍA», with Fiscal Identification Code G91452953, registered in the Registry of Foundations of Andalusia with the number SE/1001 and domiciled for these purposes in Seville, calle Albert Einstein, s/n. Insur-4º, C.P. 41092, has been the beneficiary of the SCAIRA project co-financed with European Union funds.

The SCAIRA project aims to develop a customised training programme to support the creation and acceleration of new enterprises in rural areas for the green transition of the production sector focused on the Aerospace and Automotive sector. Both sectors have a historical anchorage in the SUDOE area with a significant number of companies to accompany in their transition. SCAIRA’s ambition is to create and attract new economic assets in rural areas while providing innovative responses to industries in green manufacturing and reducing their environmental footprint.

As a result, this project will meet many social needs in rural areas, such as economic growth, which at the same time will help these areas gain in attractiveness. These regions will increase in terms of manufacturing, entrepreneurship, and population. This will lead to economic revival and growth, population growth and overall a huge cultural revival.

In this project, CTA will lead the Dissemination and Communication activities, as well as the Open Calls Management for SMEs and entrepreneurs, which will be provided by coaching services. 

Subject of the offer

CTA is looking for an offer to set up a platform in English for presentation, management, evaluation and monitoring of open calls in European projects with technical services. The provider must have an open call management platform already tested and used by other similar projects, with the possibility of being parameterized according to the conditions of the call defined within the SCAIRA Project.

In that sense, the specific functionalities required for the platform selection are listed below:

  • Price and type of licence: The price offered will correspond to the use of the platform during the entire Project period (from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2027). Monthly or yearly licence.
  • Customised website: logos, colors, forms and SCAIRA own domain are required.
  • Application form, Application Round, Reviewing Round.
  • Customised URL within SCAIRA domain.
  • Possibility to import/export data.
  • Contact management.
  • Documentary tracking/documentary management.
  • Customised dashboard.
  • Proposal management.
  • Landing page presentation
  • Workflow Management: Publication/Call, reception of applications, evaluation/assessment and selection.
  • Applicant tracking.
  • Approval process control.
  • Eligibility management, complex process review and assessment.
  • Division by user roles: Applicant, Reviewer, Grant Manager, Guest.
  • Open Call Experts for CV/Personnel Selection
  • Automated Emails.
  • Reporting & statistics.
  • Available Demo.
  • Platform training and demonstration sessions for SCAIRA Project partners included in the price.

Since the Project will last 3 years, it is also required to guarantee a certain continuity of service over the years, as well as the possibility of maintenance and support in case of malfunctioning, incidents or modifications of the platform.

The platform should be available at least from the 1st of July.

The supplier must ensure that the above-mentioned points are fulfilled together with the technical specifications included in Annex 1 below presented.

Assessment criteria

The supplier whose offer is the most economical and meets the requirements will be chosen. For transparency purposes, CTA will publish on its website the name of all the entities that have offered the tendered services.


Offers will be received until May 27, 2024. To participate, it is necessary to fill out the web form enabled on the CTA website.

After filling out the form you should receive an automatic email confirming your participation in the offer; If you do not receive it, contact us by email: ofertas.proveedores@corporaciontecnologica.com.


The following offers have been received within the stipulated deadline:

Good Grants

Technical specifications
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