A success for the GEN4OLIVE Open Call: 35 proposals from 63 SMEs received

The GEN4OLIVE Call for Proposals closed on December 1st, reaching successfully results in terms of participation. 63 SMEs from all the elegible countries submmitted 35 proposals: Italy (11), Spain (10), Greece, (5), France (3), Morocco (3), Turkey (3) and Germany (1).

Now, the GEN4OLIVE consortium will evaluate all these applications to select the best projects that will be funded with grants of 50.000€ for individual projects and 100.000€ for collaborative projects.

The selected companies will be contacted in March 2022 the latest and will be able to start implementing their projects.

The GEN4OLIVE Call for Proposals will fund olive pre-breeding activities and the development of new technologies that accelerate and make the breeding process more effective.


The European project GEN4OLIVE is an Innovation Action funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme to accelerate the use of genetic resources of the olive tree with the aim of solving the problems faced by the sector.

CTA participates in this project together with 16 other entities from 7 European countries. GEN4OLIVE is led by the University of Córdoba and the universities of Jaén and Granada, and the companies Galpagro, Cámbrico Biotech and Santa Cruz Ingeniería, also participate as Andalusian entities.

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