From May 11, 2023 to June 15, 2023
Geographic scope:
Target audience:
Individuals with full capacity to act, who are Spanish nationals or residents in Spain and legal entities that have at least one permanent establishment in Spain, validly constituted.
How to participate:
Call for the National Innovation and Design Awards corresponding to the year 2023 on a competitive basis and applying the principles of publicity, transparency, objectivity, equality and non-discrimination, as well as those of effectiveness in meeting the objectives set and efficiency in the allocation and use of public resources, in the following modalities:
In all cases, candidates are required to have carried out a significant part of their professional activity in Spain and to be active and carrying out relevant and internationally recognized work at the time the candidatures are submitted.
The deadline for submitting applications and accompanying documentation will begin at 00:00 hours (peninsular time) on the day following the publication of the call for applications in the BOE and will end at 15:00 hours (peninsular time) on June 15, 2023 .
Ministry of Science and Innovation
Candidates may be natural persons with full capacity to act, who are Spanish nationals or residents in Spain and legal entities that have at least one permanent establishment in Spain, validly constituted.
National Innovation Award in the "Young Innovative Talent" category: 30,000 euros.
National Design Award in the "Young Design Professionals" category: 30,000 euros.
We want to help you fast track your innovation. Make your inquiries and requests through the following link and we will answer you as soon as possible.
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INSUR Building, 4th Floor.
PCT Cartuja.
41092 – Seville (Spain)
CTA Málaga
C/Severo Ochoa, 9.
Centro de Tecnologías Ferroviarias.
Málaga Tech Park.
29590 (Campanillas) Málaga
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