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CTA visits the BATMASS pilot plant facilities in France

CTA (Technological Corporation of Andalusia) has participated in the consortium meeting of the European BATMASS project in Bessines sur Gartempe (France), as well as in a technical visit to the pilot plant managed by the partner Orano.

The Energy and Environment expert at CTA, Germán López, and the innovation consultant at CTA, Rafael Castillo, participated in the meeting.

During the consortium meeting, the progress of the different work packages that make up the BATMASS project was reviewed and the continuation lines were established to achieve the next milestones and the communication and dissemination tasks of the project were analyzed.

Additionally, attendees had the opportunity to visit pilot plant 3 of the project, which addresses the recovery of EOL battery raw materials and waste. The recovery process that Orano is developing in this pilot plant allows physical pretreatments to be carried out together with hydrometallurgy that allow the extraction and recovery of all the elements of high interest in the EoL batteries.

Partners of the BATMASS project in Bessines sur Gartempe.

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