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BioINSouth is born to help assess the bioeconomy in the Mediterranean arc
  • CTA (Technological Corporation of Andalusia) is present in this new European initiative, co-financed by the Circular Biobased Europe program with 3 M€.
  • BioINSouth will last three years and is driven by a collaborative consortium of fifteen entities from nine countries.

More and more business initiatives are being developed within the framework of the bioeconomy, as this branch currently has sufficient potential to attract investment and create green jobs throughout Europe. In this context of expansion, it is essential to have specific instruments to measure the impact of these initiatives at all levels, with particular attention to the environmental one.

CTA (Technological Corporation of Andalusia) joins BioINSouth, a new European project co-funded with 3 M€ by the Circular Biobased Europe (CBE-JU) program for three years, which seeks to advise and provide assessment tools to public authorities and regulators in southern Europe on the bioeconomy in order to make decisions that help consolidate the sector.

BioINSouth, which will be deployed in eight regions of the Mediterranean arc, plans to create integrative hubs in which actors from the quadruple helix – academia, public administration, business and society – can interact. The project will also seek collaboration and the exchange of best practices between hubs and international organizations with similar aims in order to promote an exchange network on the bioeconomy and foster transnational competitiveness.

The adventure begins in Naples

The BioINSouth project, coordinated by the Italian cluster SPRING, is driven by a collaborative consortium of fifteen entities from nine countries. All of them met in the city of Naples on the occasion of the traditional kick-off meeting, where they reviewed the action plan for the coming months and the different work packages. Representing CTA were María García and Marina Barquero, Innovation consultants.

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