Conacon Sandothe company specializing in infrastructure and energy conservation and maintenance from SandoThe research project, financed by CTA (Technological Corporation of Andalusia) and with the participation of the TIC-252 Applied Computing research group of the University of Andalusia, is a new research project, which will be carried out by the CTA (Technological Corporation of Andalusia). University of Cordobawhich applies Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the detection of incidences on the pavement for road maintenance.
Called INSPECT-ROADS, the project proposes an intelligent mechanism for locating the type, position and severity of problems detected on roads and highways. The approach of this technology represents a leap in quality in the inspection of incidents, by configuring an automated system that identifies deficiencies based on previous knowledge and training.
The technical manager of the sector Building and Civil Works at CTA, Carlos García, explains that “Conacon Sando’s project takes advantage of the latest advances in artificial intelligence and supercomputing to make possible the rapid image and video inspection of linear infrastructures, conditioned until now by the low capacity of data processing and algorithm training”. With the results of the project, he clarifies, “it will be possible to have a quick, easily deployable and comparatively low-cost tool that will significantly speed up the work of inspection technicians, focusing it on the most relevant cases”.
The computer application generated by the INSPECT-ROADS project will also be able to automatically evaluate the degree of severity of the different incidents. In this way, the most serious incidents will be prioritized, allowing a more efficient management of pavement incidents in real time, reducing time, resources and costs.