The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has published in the Official State Gaz ette (BOE) the extract of the call for the XIII edition of the Excellence Awards for Innovation for Rural Women for the year 2022. The aim is to give visibility to the work and life projects of women in rural areas, and to the work they do to maintain and revitalize these territories.
These awards, which have been given annually by the Ministry since 2010, honor new, excellent, original and innovative projects carried out by rural women, as well as actions that recognize the work and role of women in rural areas.
They include four categories: excellence in innovation in agriculture, excellence in innovation in fishing or aquaculture, excellence in innovation in diversification of economic activity in rural areas and excellence in communication, excellence in innovation in fishing or aquaculture, excellence in innovation in diversification of economic activity in rural areas and excellence in communication. In each of these categories, the following prizes are awarded a first, second and third prize of 18,000, 12,000 and 7,500 euros, respectively.
In addition to these categories, there is an extraordinary honorary award, special recognition for a career linked to the support of women in rural areas and in rural fishing areas.
In this edition, some changes have been introduced to better adapt these awards to the reality of rural areas, and the eligibility requirements have been modified to facilitate the participation of coastal territories and small municipalities.
The deadline for submitting applications is July 8, 2022, fifteen working days after publication in the BOE.
For more information on these awards, and to download the application forms, please visit the ministry's website.
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