Start date:
August 4, 2022
End date:
September 30, 2022
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Research Award of the Economic and Social Council of Andalusia, 2022 edition.
The chosen theme for the call of the Research Award of the Economic and Social Council of Andalusia, 2022 edition, en: "Andalusian youth: problems, needs and challenges". For the interests of an institution such as the CES of Andalusia, this research should be developed from its own perspective, i.e., the economic, social and employment aspects of youth in Andalusia.
From the diversity of subjects that a generic statement such as the one proposed could suggest, we would like to offer some brief guidelines on the desired approach.
To specify the objectives of this research, starting from the quantitative delimitation of the target population of the study and the impact of the decline in the birth rate, the ESC of Andalusia wants to emphasize training and education; employment, especially active employment policies in favor of youth, as well as self-employment and business creation; the problems of access to housing and social inclusion of young Andalusians.
We consider it essential to analyze the specific public policies on youth that have been developed since the 2007 crisis and the results achieved with them in other countries of our economic, social and cultural environment (mainly the European Union), whether they were official, developed by governments, or proposed by academia or other sectors, and that could be effective or beneficial for Andalusia.
The application period will be open until September 30, 2022, inclusive.
The Research Award of the Economic and Social Council of Andalusia consists of a prize of ten thousand euros (€10,000), in addition to a diploma accrediting the distinction awarded.
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