Driving circular welding with cutting-edge training and certification
bandera europa
Erasmus + (ERASMUS-EDU-2024-PI-ALL-INNO)


Erasmus + (ERASMUS-EDU-2024-PI-ALL-INNO)




12/01/2024 - 11/30/2027

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Currently, the European Union faces a shortage of nearly one million qualified professionals in biobased welding. Addressing this gap is crucial for revitalizing the manufacturing industry in Europe and promoting the circular economy in key sectors such as automotive and construction.

WELDIFY aims to train a skilled workforce in the field of circular/reused metal welding. The increasing reliance of the construction and automotive sectors on recycled metal infrastructures necessitates the use of advanced welding technologies. This is essential to avoid the catastrophic consequences of poor welding, which can lead to component failures and ultimately loss of human life.

The project tackles the shortage of professionals in this field by developing a set of multisectoral and interdisciplinary training tools for 5,000 apprentices, including individuals with disabilities. Additionally, WELDIFY will create a platform for learning analysis, market skills prediction, and content updates, along with a work-based learning program for 100 apprentices. Finally, WELDIFY will train over 250 specialized trainers in sustainable welding and establish a quality standard in the field aligned with ISO standards.

WELDIFY is driven by a collaborative consortium of 13 entities from 10 different countries, with CTA being the only Spanish representative.

CTA's activity

Within WELDIFY, CTA leads the work package responsible for the design and implementation of six pilot programs in various collaborating EU countries, related to several industrial sectors (automotive, construction, IT), involving students from academia, vocational training, and industry. CTA will also be responsible for selecting and training the trainers to ensure optimal functioning.

As an active partner in the project, CTA participates in the working group for the creation of microcourse content, ensuring that the training program is relevant and meets market needs.


Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis (CERTH) – Greece (Coordinator)

Hogskolan I Halmstad (HU) – Sweden

Yet Amke (YET) – Greece

Helixconnect Balkans Drustvo Sa Ogranicenom Odgovornoscu Beograd (Novi Beograd) (Helix) – Serbia 

Institutul National De Cercetare Dezvoltare In Sudura Si Incercari De Materiale – Isim Timisoara (Isim) – Romania 

Eit Manufacturing East Gmbh (EITM) – Austria 

International Institute Of Welding IIW (IIW) – Italy 

European Federation For Welding Joining And Cutting (EWF) – Belgium

Fundacion Corporacion Tecnologica De Andalucia (CTA) – Spain 

Regionalna agencija za ekonomski razvoj Sumadije i Pomoravlja (REDASP) – Serbia 

C.S Center For Sustainability Limited (CSC) – Cyprus

Impactsci, Unipessoal LDA (IMPACTSCI) – Portugal 

Sudotim As SRL (SUDOTIM) – Rumanía 



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