CTA participates in a webinar on bioeconomy organized by ECCP's iniciative EU Clusters Talks

The CTA innovation consultant Marta Macías participated on September 7 in a virtual event organized by ECCP’s iniciative “EU Clusters Talks”.

The event “Bio-based products: The key to climate neutrality?” has served to discuss bio-based materials as replacements of fossil fuelled raw materials, the potential for the green transition, existing solutions, and the roll-out for the industry.

Several professionals from the field of bioeconomy participated in the conference to discuss the challenges facing the sector, analyse the keys to improvement and comment on success stories from companies in their environment.

From CTA, visibility has been given to several European projects in which they participate and that address this issue, such as EXCornsEED, ICT-BIOCHAIN, BIOSWITCH, MPowerBIO, UrBIOfuture and BIObec. And, specifically, BIOSWITCH has been presented as a success story in the area of bioeconomy development.

Some of the challenges of the sector addressed during the conference have been the lack of professionals with the knowledge and skills of this new field of work. It has also been suggested that startups are a good way to attract young talent who sometimes do not see a professional future in the primary sector.

EU Clusters Talk

The EU Clusters Talks are a space to exchange knowledge and to discuss cluster-relevant topics, which will change with every meeting.

This event is part of bi-weekly online meetings brought to the cluster community by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform. They offer up-to-date insights into the latest industrial policies and clusters’ involvement, projects, and best practices, the latest ECCP news, and funding opportunities.

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) mission is to be the European online hub for cluster stakeholders (cluster organisations, policymakers and other related stakeholders from the cluster ecosystem) and the reference one-stop-shop for stakeholders in third countries aiming to set up partnerships with European counterparts.

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