CTA brings together European experts in Seville to support the transition to a circular bioeconomy

Seville hosted on 14th and 15th September the kick-off meeting of SCALE-UP project, in which CTA (Technological Corporation of Andalusia) participates, and aims to identify and expand innovative and sustainable value chains based on bioeconomy.

SCALE-UP will facilitate knowledge exchange and capacity building for sustainable rural development and support to regional stakeholders (farmers, companies, associations, entrepreneurs, researchers and public administration) to identify and develop innovative business models based on bioeconomy.

To this end, SCALE-UP will implement different activities to help regional stakeholders to exploit the potential of the bioeconomy in six European pilot regions, including Andalusia, because of its potential to develop the bioeconomy due to the large availability of biomass.

Focusing on the principles of co-creation, transparency and open innovation, the project will implement a business development programme aimed at entrepreneurs, with the objective of providing them with advice to assess market conditions, develop business plans and identify funding sources for 12 bio-based solutions.

SCALE-UP will involve at least 75 regional stakeholders to take part in project activities, such as workshops, training courses and regional knowledge exchange platforms. It will also organise at least six ‘bio’ competitions and involve 600 high school and university students to promote general awareness of the bioeconomy and young people’s access to related careers.

About the project

SCALE-UP has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme and integrates 9 European entities from Spain, Germany, France, Poland, Croatia, the Netherlands, Austria and Sweden.

The following entities participate in the SCALE-UP consortium:

• Ecologic Institute (ECO) – project coordinator
• Association of the Chambers of Agriculture of the Atlantic Arc (AC3A)
• Technological Corporation of Andalusia (CTA)
• International Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES)
• Food Cluster – Business Upper Austria (TMG)
• Biomass Technology Group (BTG)
• WIP – Renewable Energies (WIP)
• BioFuel Region

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