CTA participates at BIC general assembly in Brussels

The Biotechnology technical officer at CTA, Carmen Ronchel, attended the general assembly of the BIC (Bio-Based Industries Consortium) and the “Matchmaking Event” for members, held on 18 and 19 May in Brussels. The purpose was to learn about the upcoming topics of the bioeconomy calls of interest to CTA and its member companies, as well as to establish new synergies and opportunities for collaboration with European entities.

The BIC consortium brings together large companies, SMEs, clusters, R&D organisations, universities and technology platforms from all over Europe and represents the private sector in the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (formerly Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking), the public-private cooperation instrument of the European Commission (EC) to boost the bioeconomy.

Membership of the BIC consortium has enabled CTA to consolidate its position as an expert and benchmark entity in the bioeconomy, through its participation in European projects and first-hand knowledge of the trends and strategic lines set by the European bioindustry.

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