More than 50 attendees participate in the conference on efficient energy supply in buildings, organised by the CTA

More than 50 participants took part today in the online conference on efficient energy supply in buildings, organised by CTA as part of the activities of the European HP4ALL project.

The Secretary General for Housing of the Ministry of Development, Infrastructures and Territorial Planning of the Andalusian Regional Government, Alicia Martínez, stressed that Andalusia has the potential to lead the energy transition and presented the details of the Ecovivienda Plan.

This programme has a budget of 373 million euros from the European Union’s Next Generation funds, and plans to carry out 27,000 refurbishment projects and create 3,000 new affordable rental homes in Andalusia.

The managing director of the Andalusian Energy Agency, Francisco Javier Ramírez, also took part in the conference, presenting various incentive programmes of the Andalusian Regional Government to reduce energy consumption. Among them, he highlighted a new call for incentives for the implementation of thermal renewable energy installations, the deadline for which opens today.

For his part, the general director of CTA, Elías Atienza, stressed that CTA offers companies funding to tackle R&D&I projects and helps them to find other sources of funding and the best technological partners.


Sustainable climatization

The built environment is responsible for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU. For this reason, from mid-2020, regulations require new housing to be designed, built with materials and equipment that allow a significant reduction in energy consumption. However, the vast majority of the Spanish housing stock (more than 75% according to the EU) is far from complying with these regulations.

The aim of the conference was to inform and raise awareness among citizens and professionals in the sector about the opportunities and economic and environmental advantages of new sustainable climatization technologies.

About the project

HP4ALL is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme to develop, promote and improve the skills required for the installation of high quality heat pumps to ensure energy efficiency improvements in buildings, bringing Europe to the forefront of the HVAC sector.

The project will develop the HP4All (“heat pumps for all”) package which will contain a competency framework to facilitate the recognition of the benefits of heat pumps across Europe and in the building sector.

In addition, it will create a Digital Knowledge Centre for heat pumps to provide guidance, support and tools. Among other actions, it will provide technical information, case studies, procurement guidance to increase demand for heat pump skills and knowledge.

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