The European Commission selects CTA as a success story in technology transfer and R&D promotion

The European Commission (EC) has included CTA (Technological Corporation of Andalusia) in a Knowledge Valorisation Platform that brings together good practices in technology transfer and R&D promotion at European level. Consequently, CTA has been selected as a successful case of technology transfer and R&D promotion.

This platform connects relevant stakeholders from across the European Union to share experiences and tools that help transform research results into social and economic benefits. Ultimately, the objective of the platform is to improve public policies and European capacities in terms of knowledge transfer.

CTA has become a reference entity for the knowledge transfer and promotion of innovation. It offers a private financing programme of business R&D projects that involve research groups from universities and public centres. In addition, CTA has a portfolio of advanced innovation support services for companies, universities and research organisations, as well as the public administration.

In its 16 years of experience, CTA has already exceeded 540 million euros of private investment mobilized in business innovation in Andalusia, having financed 739 business R&D projects with more than 177 million euros in incentives. Furthermore, 358 research groups from Andalusian universities and public centres have been subcontracted, with a budget of more than 95 million euros.

CTA participates in research and innovation initiatives at national and international level, many of them focused on university-industry transfer and has established itself as a leading partner in European projects, participating in more than 25 international consortia.

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