10 Spanish SMEs get GALACTICA funding to apply advanced manufacturing in textile and aerospace sectors

AEI Tèxtils, Technological Corporation of Andalusia (CTA) and ATEVAL have announced the results of the first call for proposals, launched by the European project GALACTICA. 10 Spanish SMEs have obtained funding to develop innovative advanced manufacturing solutions for the textile and aerospace sectors.

The spanish companies TriboBlend, Applynano Solutions, Cinpasa and Etisilk will receive 20,000 euros from Pioneer Acceleration grants to develop their innovative projects. Carbon-based nanomaterials for the textile sector, disruptive and ecological data transmission tape for the aeronautical industry, and development of lightweight fabrics for aeronautical applications are some of the topics.

Meanwhile, the Spanish SMEs Titania, Vecmedical, E. CIMA, Solar MEMS Technologies, ienai SPACE and Optimus 3D will receive up to 58,000 euros from Orbital vouchers for transnational projects in collaboration with European SMEs, each project with a budget of € 100,000. Monitoring of respiratory and aeromedical incidents for pilots, active cooling textile system to prevent heat stress and additive manufacturing of propellants for electric rockets are some of the themes of these initiatives.

First call for proposals

GALACTICA project has selected a total of 26 innovative projects from 40 European SMEs. Spain has been the country with the most financed SMEs (10), followed by France (5), Germany (4) and Portugal (4).

The first call closed in May after receiving 83 proposals from 137 European SMEs, with the aim of promoting value chains based on advanced manufacturing in the textile and aerospace sectors.

GALACTICA project will launch a new call for proposals in January 2022 with 1.64 million euros for European SMEs.


AEI Tèxtils (coordinator), CTA and ATEVAL are the Spanish partners of this project, which is made up of 10 European partners and funded by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme of the European Union (EU).

The project will foster the creation of unidentified or unexplored market opportunities for companies and start-ups in developing latent and emerging value chains. It will overcome the market deficiencies by bringing together companies from various industrial sectors, research and development centres and clusters, through a set of tools, instruments and initiatives that will create the basis for new value chains in the textile and aerospace industries. 

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