European INTECMED project will accelerate business innovation and technology transfer through incubators

The Association of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce (ASCAME), the Seville Chamber of Commerce and the Technological Corporation of Andalusia (CTA) are the three Spanish partners, among 7 Mediterranean partners, in INTECMED. This project aims to promote the development of incubators to accelerate business innovation, transfer know-how and link the research centres with the European industry.

INTECMED is a strategic project co-funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC MED programme for cross-border cooperation in the Mediterranean area. It is made up of partners from Greece, Tunisia, Egypt and Spain and has a budget of 3.7 million euros and a duration of 30 months.

The main goal of INTECMED is the development of an integrated innovation ecosystem in each of the countries involved to support the transfer of know-how and the commercialisation of research results. To this end, relationships will be established between educational institutions, the scientific and private sectors, particularly SMEs, without neglecting the Public Administration and citizens.

In addition to multiple free mentoring services and networking events, the project will launch a grant programme for a total of €240,000 for entrepreneurs with the most innovative ideas applicable to the private sector. The lines of research that will be promoted through incubators, mentoring and scholarships will be those related to KETs (Key Enabling Technologies). KETs are a basic source for innovation and allow the development of a wide range of new materials, products, processes and services with great added value.

About the project

INTECMED is a continuation of the  “PATRS IQ Knowledge Transfer Exhibition” project, created in 2012 through an agreement between the University of Patras and the Chamber of Commerce of Achaia. This initiative works with great success connecting and promoting scientific research and its applicability in the private sector .

The project consortium is made up of the Achaia Chamber of Commerce (coordinator), the University of Patras, both in Greece, the Cap-Bon Chamber of Commerce and the National Agency for the Promotion of Scientific Research in Tunisia, three Egyptians organisations: the Confederation of Associations of Euro-Egyptian Companies and the SEKEM Foundation and the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce. The Spanish partners of the project are the Seville Chamber of Commerce, CTA and ASCAME.

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