CTA, among the 15 most outstanding Andalusian entities in the EU H2020 programme
CTA (Technological Corporation of Andalusia) is one of the 15 most outstanding Andalusian entities in the European programme Horizon 2020 (H2020) in the period 2014-2019 for the return or subsidy obtained, according to data published by @CDTIoficial (Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology).
The CTA classification stands out especially in the good positioning of Spain and Andalusia in this programme dedicated to promoting Research and Innovation within the European Union, since Spain is the fourth European country with the highest subsidy obtained, with €4,761M, and Andalusia is the fifth Spanish region, with €295.6M. It is also noteworthy that the H2020 programme is one of the most competitive in the EU and the success rate is very low at the European level (average 12.4%), which gives more value to the good positioning of Spain, Andalusia and CTA, in particular.
In the 2014-2029 period, CTA has participated in 10 projects funded by the European H2020 programme, in areas such as bioeconomy, aerial robotics, functional food, agri-food sector digitisation, internationalisation of SMEs or energy efficiency. SuperBIO, AeRoTwin, EXCornsEED, ICT-BIOCHAIN, DIVA, INNOWWIDE, SPEEDIER or the ERA-NET ICT AGRI-FOOD are some of these projects (click here for more information). Some of the projects, such as DIVA or INNOWWIDE, are cascade funding, that is, the EU gives funds to an intermediary entity to launch calls for innovative proposals in very specific areas.
CTA has made a significant deployment of its international area in the last 5 years. CTA participates in more than 20 international projects, both funded by the EU and the multilateral market, with a significant presence in Latin America in the case of the latter. The entity continues to grow internationally, since in 2020 new projects were approved, 8 more funded by the H2020 programme in particular.

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