Mentoring and training opportunity for early-career Blue Economy researchers

The European project EMPORIA4KT opened a call to participate in the ‘Blue Economy Technology Transfer’ programme. This mentoring programme will support early-career Blue Economy researchers in Europe to improve their innovation and technology transfer skills. This project, funded by the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme, is being developed in Andalusia through a consortium formed by the CTA, CENTA and CEIMAR.

Participants will complete online workshops that focus on skills related to innovation and technology transfer activities. This will be followed by a 9-month mentoring programme in which national teams of researchers will determine the best commercialisation routes for real case studies of Early Stage Technologies (EST) in the Blue Economy. The deadline for applications is 30 October 2020.

This training will boost the career of young researchers who develop their work in the field of the Blue Economy in the Atlantic Area at the national and will promote the improvement of their skills in technology transfer and innovation. Participants will learn to link R&D with the market, industry and public/private investment. They will also explore how to reduce the risks associated with EST development process and how to make these technologies more attractive and competitive to investment.

Who can participate?

The programme is open to early-career researchers (current PhD students or those who are within 3 years of graduating from their PhD) who are working at a Higher Education Institution or Research Centre in France, Ireland, Portugal, Spain or the UK. The scope of the research must have possibilities of application in the Blue Economy sector.

The programme will conclude with a brokerage event in Brussels, where teams selected from earlier national events across the five participating countries will pitch their EST commercialisation plan to an audience of international Blue Economy expert stakeholders. One EST will be selected to receive additional funding for further proof-of-concept studies.

Applications, mentoring and online training workshops are all free. Any costs for required travel will be covered by EMPORIA4KT.

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