CTA explains the bioeconomy opportunities for agriculture in an international webinar

The CTA Business Development Manager, David Páez, the head of the Agri-food Sector, Nathalie Chavrier and the consultant María Nieto, have participated in an international webinar organised by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) in collaboration with FONTAGRO and CTA. The webinar was also attended by the IICA Deputy Director, Lloyd Day, and the FONTAGRO Executive Secretary, Eugenia Saini.

More than 80 people have attended this event in which CTA has presented the main results of the report ‘Technologies for the Valorization of Family Farming Residues in Latin America and the Caribbean through Bioeconomy Strategies’. This study, commissioned by IICA and prepared by CTA, aims to promote the use of biomass or residues generated by family farming in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region, through bioeconomy strategies.

Great potential in bioeconomy

The bioeconomy encompasses those parts of the economy that use renewable biological resources from land and sea to produce food, materials and energy. The region has great potential for using biomass from family farming, given its high volume, and the application of bioeconomy strategies can contribute to its valorization. After analysing the opportunities and challenges, the study elaborated by CTA identifies a catalog of technologies for agricultural use. It also includes a roadmap for the adoption of bioeconomy strategies in LAC in the short and medium term.

CTA has positioned itself as a benchmark entity with expertise in bioeconomy, backed by its participation in 6 EC funded projects in this field, its activity in the Biobased Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) as a member of the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) and nearly 15 years of promoting biotechnology at the regional level.

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