CTA participates in the ERA-NET ICT AGRI FOOD to promote the agri-food system digitisation

Technological Corporation of Andalusia (CTA) participates in the new ERA-NET ICT AGRI FOOD that brings 34 European partners together to promote the development of digital technology solutions applied to the agri-food sector. ICT AGRI FOOD is aimed at facilitating a transition towards more sustainable and resilient agri-food systems in Europe. 

The ERA-NETs are European consortia of R&D and innovation financing entities coordinated to incentivize projects of international companies’ consortiums. In this way, each entity finances companies in its country or region of origin. 

In addition, the ERA-NETs develop strategic research agendas and set priority lines that are transferred to the European Commission (EC) and influence the community policies. 

The ICT AGRI FOOD project is coordinated by the Federal Food and Agriculture Agency of Germany and cofunded under EU H2020 programme. During its 5 years of execution, ICT AGRI FOOD will open 4 calls. 

Open Call

The ERA-NET ICT AGRI FOOD has just launched its first call for projects aimed at financing ICT projects that improve the agri-food system. The deadline for proposals submission is March 3rd, 2020. 

This initiative is an opportunity for Spanish companies that want to develop projects in cooperation with European entities. ICT AGRI FOOD allows all European partners to receive funding for developing a collaborative project. 

The thematic areas are: 

  •  Data-driven ICT platforms and solutions to improve the sustainability of agri-food Systems 
  •  Identify and address barriers for adoption of ICT technologies in the agri-food systems. 

Applicants must be consortia formed by a minimum of 3 partners from 3 European countries, and will receive funding from their national body, according to its terms and conditions. 

This call is cofunded by 28 European institutions from 22 countries, in addition to the EC. The global budget is 17.5 million euros. CTA has reserved a fund of up to 500,000 euros to finance Spanish companies that meet the requirements. 

The incentive can reach up to 50% of the budget, depending on the type of project, and up to 35% is granted for lost funds. 

For more information, visit the project websiteictagrifood.eu/

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