CTA joins the INNOVAGRO Network to promote international agri-food innovation

Technological Corporation of Andalusia (CTA) has joined the Innovation Management Network in the Agrifood Sector (INNOVAGRO Network), which seeks to enhance innovation in the agri-food industry through the knowledge transfer, the technical cooperation and the exchange of experiences, taking advantage of the synergies at international level.

INNOVAGRO is an international network, based in Mexico, in which 85 members participate among research centers, public sector, universities, foundations, financial institutions and business organisations from 16 countries, mainly Latin American (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile , Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, the Netherlands, Spain, Guatemala, Israel, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Dominican Republic and Uruguay).

The main objective of the Network is to promote, disseminate and position a culture of innovation among the strategic agents of the agri-food sector at international level, through the cooperation and the exchange of services. For this, it generates spaces for exchange and transfer, as well as joint initiatives among its members.

With its incorporation, CTA seeks to mobilize innovation and collaboration projects in Latin America and expand its international activity.

Currently, the rector of the University of Córdoba (UCO) and president of the Campus of International Excellence in Agri-Food CeiA3, José Carlos Gómez Villamandos, holds the presidency of the INNOVAGRO Network.

Agrifood Sector

Agrifood is one of the 7 strategic sectors for CTA and accounts for 12% of funded projects. The main themes addressed by these projects are the application of ICT technologies to the agricultural sector, such as Big Data solutions to improve traceability, and the development of new functional products.

At international level, CTA participates in the European DIVA and TRACK projects, with the aim of promoting the digitalisation of the European agri-food industry. The DIVA project will soon launch its second call for projects focus on the digitalisation of the agri-food, forestry and environmental sectors.

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