CTA participates at COP25 Climate Change Conference

The Energy and Environment technical officer, Germán López, will participate on December 11th at the COP25 Climate Summit to present the European SPEEDIER project, in which CTA participates as a partner.

SPEEDIER project aims to promote the energy audits and the implementation of energy saving measures in SMEs. It has a budget of 2 million euros and is co-financed by the Horizon 2020 Framework Program (H2020) of the European Union (EU).

SPEEDIER is expected to contribute to energy savings at 8GWh/year and 1,280 tons of CO2 per year. Throughout the project, SPEEDIER will train more than 650 people in the best energy saving practices and improve the skills of 50 experts.


How to attend the COP25

If you wish to attend the event, you must only register by following these indications:

  1. Access the following link: www.ifema.es/en/cop25/green-zone
  2. Select the “ACCESS” tab
  3. Access “NEW USER”
  4. You will receive an account activation link. Perform activation.
  5. Enter the general information requested
  6. Select on the profile 11/12/2019
  7. Registration finished! You will receive an email with the entry attached.

Please confirm your assistance by writing to: info@speedierproject.eu

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