5 Andalusian SMEs among the 20 Spanish companies that got INNOWWIDE funding for innovative projects

The INNOWWIDE European project has selected 5 Andalusian SMEs to finance studies that evaluate the feasibility of bringing innovative solutions to markets outside of Europe. Biomedal, Integrasys, Viafirma, Esasolar and Actisa are the Andalusian companies that have managed to get INNOWWIDE funding to develop projects in the United States, Australia, Dominican Republic, Brazil and Chile, respectively.

The INNOWWIDE first call has funded the projects of 50 innovative European SMEs, of which the 40% (20) are Spanish companies, with a global budget of €3 million from European funds.

Regarding the countries of destination, the United States has been the most demanded, with 13 of the 50 projects funded. The rest of the projects have been distributed among 21 countries around the world, reaching a balance between developed and emerging countries.

Most of the selected projects are focus on the development of technologies in the area of electronics and ICT, while the most popular sectors are energy, agriculture and the environment.

SMEs will receive up to €60,000 to develop Viability Assesment Projects (VAPS) of innovative business based on international technological cooperation. The projects must include the collaboration of at least one local partner, which may become a future technological partner in the country of destination. The funded studies should address the technical, commercial and financial viability of the projects, also identifying key practical aspects to ensure their subsequent technological and commercial development, as well as their successful implementation in the local market.

The Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (@CDTIoficial) leads the INNOWWIDE project in which it also participates Technological Corporation of Andalusia (CTA). The project is funded by the European H2020 programme and has a budget of €7.2 million to finance 120 feasibility studies. The INNOWWIDE second call for VAPS will open in mid-January 2020 with a budget of €4.2 million to finance 70 innovative SMEs. For more information, visit the project website: innowwide.eu.

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