AeroSTREAM Short-Term Visit at CTA

During the month of May, the second Short-Term Visit of the European AeroSTREAM project was carried out. The objective of this activity is to strengthen innovation capacity through short-term stays in which participants receive training workshops from the development of innovation strategies to the transfer of knowledge on innovation management, organization of management training of innovation and technology transfer workshops.

On this occasion, the person who participated is teaching staff from the University of Zagreb and for most of the period of the Short-Term Visit stay they have remained at the CTA facilities receiving training on the different areas that address management of European projects. She has also received training workshops at the University of Seville and attended the Aerospace Defense Meeting held in Seville.

Specifically, the head of the aerospace sector, Silvia de los Santos, and the innovation consultant, María Jiménez, have given various training courses on the management of European projects, how to form consortia and how to prepare proposals, among other topics.

For her part, the person responsible for economic monitoring of European projects, Marta Peláez, held a training session on budget management and justification in the different European programs.

Finally, the communication technician, Marta González, has given a communication workshop in European projects, in which she has described the communication management guidelines that CTA implements when it is the leading communication partner of a European project and has shared good communication practices for projects where the partner’s primary role is not to lead the communication work package.

Regarding the training actions at the University of Seville (US), an entity that is also part of the AeroSTREAM project consortium, the visits to the laboratories of the E.T.S of Engineering and the meetings with the economic and financial team of the GRVC of the US to see good practices in supporting research groups that can be implemented at your University.

The European project AeroSTREAM (Strengthening Research and Innovation Excellence in Autonomous Aerial Systems) aims to achieve lasting and integrated cooperation between institutions from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina with the rest of the partners from Spain, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands. Likewise, it will promote the improvement of the quality of innovation management, collaboration between researchers, technology transfer and citizen participation of the HEIs of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, in addition to increasing the scientific excellence profiles of these educational institutions. .

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