CTA (Technological Corporation of Andalusia) and the European project P5 Innobroker, led by this foundation, have actively participated in the CPISalud Space. This meeting was held on June 11 and 12 in Seville on Public Procurement of Innovation (CPI) in the healthcare field and brought together more than 600 experts to visualize the impact of this tool and promote its development.
Co-organized by the regional Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs of Junta de Andalucía, the Progress and Health Foundation (FPS), the Andalusian Health Service, the Ministry of Science, Innovation and University and the Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI), the CPI Health Space has offered a unique opportunity for collaboration between clinicians, patient associations, research personnel, industry and other innovative agents, with the purpose of improving the provision of health services to citizens through Public Procurement of Innovation.

CTA and P5 Innobroker have had a stand from which they have reported on the services offered by this foundation for advice on PPI processes and the opportunities offered by this public procurement tool that allows administrations and other public bodies to modernize services to citizens while encouraging private innovation. The president of CTA, Beltrán Pérez, attended the opening of the meeting and Carlos García, CTA expert on PPI and coordinator of P5 Innobroker Project, presented this European project to the assistants.
CTA technicians also provided advice on Preliminary Market Consultations, a project developed since 2023 in which nearly 500 people have participated and which has resulted in the identification of 33 needs of the Andalusian Public Health System (SSPA). The regional Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Government of Andalusia, Catalina García, highlighted the “exponential” progress of Andalusia in the management of Public Procurement of Innovation in health, which has multiplied by ten in the last two years.