CTA has participated in the Andalusian Forum for Public Procurement of Innovation (Andalusian PPI Forum – Foro Andaluz de CPI), held yesterday and today at the PCT Cartuja in Seville, to present its support services to administrations and companies in this type of process, as well as the European project P5 Innobroker, which promotes this type of public contracting in Europe.
More than 300 people have participated in the Andalusian PPI Forum, organized by the Junta de Andalucía and Andalucía TRADE to give new impetus to this tool that is increasingly used by administrations because it allows modernizing public services and stimulating R&D and innovation and business.
P5 Innobroker and European support for the PPI

Carlos García presenting P5 Innobroker at the Andalusian Forum of PPI.
CTA’s Business Development Director, David Páez, moderated a round table with experts from the European Commission (EC), who presented an overview of the main policies, initiatives and financial instruments to support the ICC in the European Union. Specifically, Lieve Bos, Policy officer of DG Connect, and Samira Boussetta participated in the debate. Policy Officer of DG Grow (European Commission).
For his part, Carlos García, PPI expert and technical manager of the Building and Civil Works sector at CTA, was in charge of presenting the P5 Innobroker project, through which CTA services are reinforced with the support of the EU.
The P5 Innobroker project, led by CTA and with the participation of 5 other European countries, is co-financed by the COSME program and aims to promote the PPI in Southern European countries. It is a strategic project for the European Commission, which thus aims to promote the launch and execution of initiatives for the Public Procurement of Innovation due to its revitalizing effect on the business fabric and the modernization of Public Administrations.
What support does CTA offer in CPI processes?
CTA has the vocation of providing a comprehensive advisory and technical assistance service throughout the entire PPI cycle, helping administrations to identify possible projects, compare them with the market, find financing and launch them, mobilizing and preparing at the same time. to the business fabric to participate in the tenders.
So far, CTA has collaborated with more than a dozen local, regional, national and European administrations in this field.
First great meeting around the PPI in Andalusia
The Andalusian PPI Forum is the first meeting of its kind to be held in Andalusia and was inaugurated by the regional Minister of University, Research and Innovation, José Carlos Gómez Villamandos. It has brought together assistants at a regional, national and European level specialized in this field and is aimed at public administration personnel involved in PPI proceedings or who are going to start them, but also at companies, universities and research organizations capable of developing innovative solutions that respond to the needs of the Administration.
The objective is to debate and collect those trends and good practices that can help position Andalusia in the vanguard positions in terms of the use of this tool, but it will also help to give visibility to Andalusian projects for public procurement of innovation in progress.