The European project agroBRIDGES, an initiative funded with nearly 3 million euros by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, of which CTA is a partner, was presented on 10 May at the Infoagro Exhibition in Almeria. This is one of the most important events in the agri-food sector in Andalusia, with an average of 45,000 visitors during its three days of celebration.
The objective of agroBRIDGES is to promote Short Food Supply Channels in order to improve the position of farmers in the market. To this end, it has developed a Toolbox designed to facilitate contact between agri-food producers and consumers. The project activities, which will start in January 2021, focus on twelve European beacon regions, including Andalusia.
agroBRIDGES is currently in the process of replication of results, after the validation of its tools. CTA, as leader of the work package dedicated to replication at European level and the training of experts, has been the entity in charge of initiating the series of regional and national events that will take place until the end of 2023 in the twelve beacon regions. At Infoagro Exhibition, the first of the regional events, CTA’s Innovation consultants, María Jiménez and Paula Rosa; together with the Communication technician, Sofía Sánchez; showed the attendees the resources and milestones of this project, as well as offering a cocktail to encourage networking and bilateral meetings between the participants.