CTA receives a mission from public regional development organizations in Croatia
CTA receives a mission from public regional development organizations in Croatia

CTA has received at its headquarters a mission organized by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) of a dozen representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds and several Croatian development agencies interested in better understanding aspects of the socioeconomic development of the territory, innovation and entrepreneurship in Andalusia.

The OECD has organized this mission in collaboration with Andalucía TRADE within the framework of the project Enhanced Strategic Planning at Regional and Local Levels in Croatia. On behalf of CTA, the Technical Director, Fabián Varas; The head of the Aerospace-Production Processes sector, Silvia de los Santos, and the Business Development consultant María Jiménez attended to the attendees and explained the keys to CTA’s public-private collaboration model and some European projects in which CTA is collaborating. with Croatian entities, such as AeroSTREAM, AeRoTwin or SCALE-UP.

The Croatian attendees showed their interest in learning about the mechanisms of cooperation between representatives of the private sector (for example, cluster organizations, regional or local business associations such as CTA) and the Andalusian public administration and body, in particular Andalucía TRADE, in areas such as:

  • Identify regional development challenges and inform the design and implementation of regional development policy (e.g. S3 strategy).
  • Design and implement projects aimed at promoting innovation in the region.
  • Identify investment opportunities and report on public investment by regional and local authorities.
  • Identify the needs and priorities of the local business community and provide specific technical or financial support.

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