CTA travels to Montpellier to promote sustainable bioenergy development in Africa
  • The BLP 2025 international conference provided the setting for the final event of the Bio4Africa project.
  • The event brought together researchers and development actors to discuss bioenergy innovations for small and medium-sized enterprises in Africa.

The Bio4AFRICA project, of which CTA is part of the consortium, has held its closing day in the framework of the international conference BLP 2025, which took place from 28 to 30 January in Montpellier (France) and brought together researchers and development actors to address innovations in bioenergy for small and medium-sized enterprises in Africa.

The overall objective of the conference was to address bioenergy innovations for small and medium-sized enterprises in Africa. To this end, it was structured into four thematic sessions, ranging from support for small and medium-sized enterprises on the African continent to the evaluation of different business models based on bioenergy.

Among the main conclusions was the need for incentive policies and high-impact projects to promote the sustainable development of bioenergy, adapted to local needs and contexts in various regions of the world, including Africa and Europe. The importance of sharing practical experiences and knowledge among the different actors involved to promote sustainable and responsible energy solutions was also underlined.

The international conference Bioenergy for local production (BLP) 2025 was organised by the Bio4AFRICA and BIOSTAR projects, with the financial support of the European Union and the French Development Agency (AFD), in the framework of the DeSIRA and Horizon 2020 programmes.

BIO4AFRICA, with a budget of 9 million euros and co-financing from the European Horizon 2020 programme, has supported the deployment of the bioeconomy in rural Africa through the development of value chains and bio-based solutions.

On behalf of CTA, the event was attended by Nathalie Chavrier, technical manager of the Agro sector, and Luisa Domínguez, technician of the Consultancy and International Projects department. During the course of the project, CTA has developed a catalogue of bioeconomy technologies adapted to local needs and context to promote the revalorisation of waste or co-products.

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