Eight new members join the Andalusian Bioeconomy Platform of the European project SCALE-UP

The University Institute for Research into Olives and Olive Oil (INUO) of the University of JaénSmallops, Innosuns, EcogestionaStartupLabsSpain, Circular Engineering, Zagolive and DNT Non woven fabrics, have joined the Andalusian Bioeconomy Platform of the European project SCALE-UP.

The platform is an initiative led by CTA, as a member of the SCALE-UP project, which brings together different public and private entities interested in the promotion of the bioeconomy. Its members will cooperate to promote the exchange of knowledge and the implementation of innovation support services.

The European SCALE-UP project, funded with nearly 3 million euros by the Horizon Europe programme, is based on the generation of new tools and partnerships to boost the development of the bioeconomy in six European regions. These regions, which include Andalusia, are Northern Sweden, Mazovia (Poland), the Atlantic Arc of France, Upper Austria and Strumica (North Macedonia).

On the new members

  • INUO is a multidisciplinary research institute in Jaén with eight scientific units that address scientific aspects related to the olive sector.
  • Smallops is a startup dedicated to the valorisation of olive residues for their transformation into biogas and carbon-wrapped iron nanoparticles.
  • Innosuns is a company specialising in R&D&I consultancy and raising capital for bioeconomy and health projects.
  • Ecogestiona is an engineering and environmental consultancy specialising in composting that develops services related to the circular bioeconomy.
  • StartupLabsSpain is a technology-based startup accelerator specialising in digital projects with a minimum viable product developed for market launch.
  • Circular Engineering is a spin-off of the University of Jaén that offers specialised consultancy services, R&D&I development and training in circular economy.
  • Zagolive, with its partners Alter Composting and Alter Entorn, is an expert in transforming olive biomass into organic fertiliser through the use of microbiology.
  • Finally, DNT Non woven fabrics is an SME dedicated to the manufacture of non-woven fabrics for sectors such as agriculture, focused on R&D&I and the circular economy.

Any entity wishing to join the Andalusian Bioeconomy Platform of the SCALE-UP project and participate in its activities, can send an email with their application to: cta@corporaciontecnologica.com

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