CTA organizes a Learning Expedition for its European projects In Transit and Aerostream. Both projects come together in this activity with the aim of promoting synergies between SMEs in the aerospace and advanced industry sectors from different countries.
The event, held on February 22 and 23, consists of visits to industries, thematic workshops given by top-level professionals and networking sessions, in which SMEs are shown how innovative companies from both sectors work.
On the first day, attendees attended a presentation at the CTA facilities, in which the director of Consulting and International Projects, David Páez, and the technical manager of the aerospace sector and production processes, Silvia de los Santos, of CTA, participated.

After the presentation, the participants were transferred to the facilities of M&M Group (Mecanizados y Montajes Aeronáuticos S. A.) located in Espera. Company that was born in 2004 as an auxiliary company for the provision of services in the preparation and hanging of metallic elements for surface treatments, manufacturing of tools for hydro-forming and edging parts. And it has continued its evolution, entering the Industry 4.0 phase, with the implementation of a comprehensive management process, which becomes a reference among small and medium-sized companies in the aerospace sector in Spain.

Subsequently, the participants visited the facilities of the Titania company in El Puerto de Santa María, who work for more than 500 companies located on 4 continents. Titania was born in 2000 as a quality control testing laboratory in the corrosion and projection group (LABCYP) of the University of Cádiz and its mission is to provide scientific-technological support to the adaptation challenges of the industry towards its Development. Sustainable.
On the second day, attendees were transferred to the facilities of the Advanced Center for Aerospace Technologies (CATEC), a technological center established and managed by the Andalusian Foundation for Aerospace Development (FADA). CATEC is a European and world leader in the development of technologies for medium, small and light UAVs, and works directly on technological projects with leading companies in the sector.

At the CATEC facilities, the learning participants received a thematic workshop given by the Professor of Robotics from the University of Seville (US), J. Ramiro Martinez de Dios, in which he presented the developments in non-aerial vehicles. crews of the US GRVC. Currently, they are developing more than 30 projects with technologies that allow the inspection of power lines completely autonomously with drones or the development of bird drones that allow the autonomous flight of drones, significantly increasing their autonomy.

They have also attended a session on the technologies used by CATEC, which has been taught jointly by Mª del Rocío Baya Arenas, graduate in Chemistry and member of the R&D Project Management and Business Development department of CATEC, José Augusto Montero, Electronic and Telecommunications engineer and Project Manager of Avionics & Systems at CATEC, and José Ramón Vilanova Sánchez, Engineer of the Automation and Robotics Unit at CATEC.
Subsequently, a workshop was held in which the participants indicated which technologies they had seen throughout the different activities of the Learning Expedition and that had interested them and which ones they had missed that had not been addressed during the two days of the event. After this session they toured the facilities and were able to see a demonstration of a drone flight with which they are currently working.