The European project Transnet, whose objective is to contribute to the energy transition by defining a new university ‘living lab’ model, that is, a real test bench for open innovation, which is transferable to companies, held its final event on Tuesday March 7 at the University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier de Toulouse, after three years of collaboration between eight European partners.
During the event, there was a brief recap of what the Tr@nsnet project has been, three round tables were held and the results of the Research Axis were presented, and the future Sudoe call was also addressed.
The replication of the demonstrators was the topic discussed in the first round table. All the activities developed in TG1 were discussed: smart lighting devices, Internet of Things in buildings, electric and thermal power generation, but also the use of digital technology on campus.
The second roundtable discussed the implementation of new demonstrators, such as battery recycling for solar energy storage, mobility observation, power and thermal grids, human-nature interactions, and related social interactions. with eco-citizenship.
The third and final round table brought together the designers of the University Living Lab model, talking about the knowledge acquired throughout the project, and how it can be applied in the future.
To end this day, the members of the advisory committee met to evaluate the project and make recommendations on how to capitalize on the results of the project.