22 de July de 2022

CTA requests bids for the contracting of an online broadcasting service for an event of the European project EERES4WATER.

Offer Closed

Offer sheet

Opening date:
July 22, 2022

Closing date:
July 29th at 12:00h

puntos bg cita

CTA is requesting bids for the contracting of a supplier to be in charge of the online broadcasting of the INTERREG Atlantic Area EAPA_1058/2018 EERES4WATER(Promoting Energy-water Nexus resource efficiency through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency) project day. The conference will be held on September 28th from 10:30h to 13:00h in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

The budget should include:

  • Recording and online broadcasting of the presentations in parallel to the speeches. Minimum two cameras.
  • Prices for lavalier or headset microphones up to 6 units and one handheld microphone.
  • The platform from which it is broadcasted must provide the possibility for attendees to ask questions or make comments.
  • The project logo will be included.
  • Basic labels to include the name of the speaker.

Bids must be sent to marisol.castro@corporaciontecnologica.com by July 29 at 12:00 noon.

For transparency purposes, CTA will publish on its website the name of all the entities that have offered the tendered services. The most economical bid that meets the requirements will be selected.


  • The room has internet connection.
  • PowerPoint presentation and videos will be shared.
  • The speakers will all be in person.
  • The event will be broadcast on Youtube / website.


As of 07/29/2022, the following bids have been received:

  • Canary Streaming
  • Live Broadcast Streaming (selected)




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