16 de September de 2021

CTA solicits bids for subcontracting in different operating groups

Offer Closed

Offer sheet

Opening date:
September 16, 2021

Closing date:
September 23, 2021 at 12:00 noon

puntos bg cita

CTA is requesting budgetary offers for the subcontracting of the following concepts that are part of the dissemination plans of different operative groups financed by the call for proposals of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) in agricultural productivity and sustainability, for the implementation of pilot projects and the development of new products, practices, processes and technologies in the agricultural, food and forestry sectors, within the framework of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP). Rural Development Program of Andalusia 2014-2020. Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Desarrollo Sostenible (Junta de Andalucía).

The identification of the 7 operating groups is shown below:

  • “MoniCa – MONItorization of extensive herbaceous crops in CÁdiz based on remote sensing, IoT and artificial intelligence” (GOPC-SE-20-0001).
  • “SAMA -Andalusian Rice Monitoring Service based on satellite imagery, IoT and artificial intelligence” (GOPG-SO-20-0003).
  • “FORESTIA – Innovative solution integrating remote sensing and AI for the management of forest stands in Andalusia” (GOPG-CO-20-0004).
  • “Digital parameterization and traceability of canola crop for sustainable management (DS4Canola)” GOPG-SE-20-0010).
  • “STEVIOL – Obtaining steviol by a membrane separation process” (GOPG-SO-20-0015).
  • “AGROVOLTAICA: Synergies of agrovoltaic installations in olive plantations” (GOPO-SE-20-0005).
  • “OLE- Innovative plant for extraction of oleuropein-rich products from olive leaf” (GOPG-SO-20-0009).

Concepts subject to subcontracting:

  • Creation of 7 logos + style guide and basic adaptations .See attached briefing.

Projects: MoniCa GOPC-SE-20-0001, SAMA GOPG-SO-20-0003, FORESTIA GOPG-CO-20-0004, STEVIOL GOPG-SO-20-0015, AGROVOLTAICA GOPO-SE-20-0005, OLE GOPG-SO-20-0009 and DS4Canola GOPG-SE-20-0010.

  • Elaboration of 6 brochures for printing + digital version. See attached briefing.

Projects: MoniCa GOPC-SE-20-0001, SAMA GOPG-SO-20-0003, FORESTIA GOPG-CO-20-0004, STEVIOL GOPG-SO-20-0015, AGROVOLTAICA GOPO-SE-20-0005 and OLE GOPG-SO-20-0009.

  • Creation of 4 web pages + maintenance and updating of content. See attached briefing.

Projects: MoniCa GOPC-SE-20-0001, SAMA GOPG-SO-20-0003, FORESTIA GOPG-CO-20-0004, and DS4Canola GOPG-SE-20-0010.

  • Management of the social networks of 4 operational groupsSee attached briefing

Projects: MoniCa GOPC-SE-20-0001, SAMA GOPG-SO-20-0003, FORESTIA GOPG-CO-20-0004, and DS4Canola GOPG-SE-20-0010.


A separate quotation per item is requested for each of the 4 items requested.

The deadline for receipt of bids is set for September 23, 2021 at 12 noon.

Valuation criteria

The supplier with the lowest bid for each item will be selected.

Compliance with the deadlines indicated for the execution of each of the concepts offered must be ensured (taking into account that the execution of the works may coincide in time).

Submission of bids

Bids should be sent by the indicated deadline to the following e-mail address: natalia.gutierrez@corporaciontecnologica.com.


The subcontracting of these services is subject to the effective granting of aid in final resolution of the call of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) in agricultural productivity and sustainability for the implementation of pilot projects and the development of new products, practices, processes and technologies in the agricultural, food and forestry sectors, under the Rural Development Program of Andalusia 2014-2020.

Briefing subcontracting logo
Briefing subcontracting brochure
Briefing web outsourcing
Briefing RRSS outsourcing




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