The VERDEinMED project (PreVEnting and ReDucing the tEXtiles waste mountain in the MED area) is an initiative funded by the Interreg Euro-MED programme to promote the circular economy in the textile sector. VERDEinMED is a thematic project that will provide a support service to boost circularity in the textile value chain for businesses, consumers, policy […]
SCAIRA (Creation and acceleration of startups in rural areas to promote sustainable manufacturing) is an initiative funded by the European Interreg Sudoe program to promote the creation and acceleration of startups in rural areas within a green transition framework. For this purpose, a collaborative consortium of thirteen entities from Spain, France and Portugal have joined […]
The European InTransit project aims to strengthen the resilience of textile, aerospace, construction and advance manufacturing SMEs as greener and digital sectors with a mixed support mechanism that includes individual counseling and a funding voucher to ensure their consolidation and sustainability. InTransit (Strengthening the resilience of textile, aerospace, and construction SMEs to transition towards greener […]