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Andalusia Agrotech EDIH

The Andalusia Agrotech EDIH ecosystem, a member of the European Digital Innovation Hubs Network (EDIH), is a public-private partnership led by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development of the Regional Government of Andalusia and participated by more than 30 entities, including Technological Corporation of Andalusia. Its main objective is to respond to […]

P2P finBIO

The European P2P finBIO project aims to facilitate access to finance for European SMEs in the bioeconomy sector. The P2P finBIO project consortium will work closely together to develop a guide to best practices and funding support instruments for the national and European landscape. In this way, the project aims for European innovation support institutions […]


The European project ZeroW(Systemic Innovations Towards a Zero Food Waste Supply Chain) aims to contribute to reducing food waste through the application of systemic innovations in ‘living labs’, i.e. experimental environments for co-creating innovation. ZeroW is a project funded by the Horizon 2020 program through the European Green Deal call.European Green Deal has a budget […]


The objective of the European GEN4OLIVE project is to characterize, conserve and exploit the genetic resources of the olive tree, bringing them closer to both breeders of new varieties and olive growers, for the improvement of the crop and food security. The universities of Córdoba (coordinator), Jaén and Granada, Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía (CTA) and […]


The BIO4AFRICA project will support the deployment of the bioeconomy in rural Africa through the development of bio-based value chains and solutions. The project will develop a catalog of bio-based technologies adapted to local needs and context and will train farmers in rural Africa to sustainably produce a variety of high value-added bio-based projects, such […]


The operative group SAMA (Andalusian Rice Monitoring Service based on remote sensing, IoT and artificial intelligence) aims to develop a platform that offers agro-monitoring services based on IoT, Artificial Intelligence and the assimilation of satellite data, Open Data in situ for the rice cultivation of the Seville Rice Growers Federation (FAS), which covers large areas […]


The agro-MONItorization system for extensive herbaceous crops in Cádiz based on remote sensing, IoT and artificial intelligence (MoniCa) aims to develop a platform that offers agromonitoring services based on IoT, Artificial Intelligence and the assimilation of satellite, Open Data and in situ data for extensive herbaceous crops (cereals, legumes, industrial and forage crops) throughout the […]


The European ConnectEO project aims to promote market access for European earth observation SMEs in two target countries: Australia and Chile. The project will focus on the use of earth observation technologies to address key business opportunities and socioeconomic and environmental challenges in the maritime and agricultural sectors. ConnectEO will comply with the implementation plan […]


The ERA-NET ICT AGRI FOOD aims to strengthen R&D cooperation between European Union (EU) member states and associated states to promote, in a verifiable and measurable way, the use of smart digital technologies to make European agri-food systems more sustainable, resilient and secure. The project will finance annual joint calls for transnational R&D&I projects. The […]


The agroBRIDGES project proposes the development of a multi-stakeholder framework for the agri-food sector, as well as a set of practical support tools to improve the market position of farmers and reduce the margin of intermediaries. To this end, the project will promote the establishment of Short Food Supply Chains in 12 European regions. The […]

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