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The supra-autonomic task force for the application of blockchain to the timber supply chain, ChainWood project, which brings together the capabilities of the timber and forestry sector with companies and technology centers to develop a sector-wide solution, open to all stakeholders, that will contribute to improving the competitiveness of the forestry sector through the application […]


The FORESTIA task force (Innovative solution integrating remote sensing and AI for the management of Andalusian forests) aims to develop a fast and accurate solution that integrates all the information from various open sources (LiDAR technology, satellite images from the European Copernicus program,…) to facilitate decision making in forest planning by applying Data Science and […]


The European Tr@nsnet project aims to contribute to the energy transition by defining a new university living lab model, i.e. a real test bed for open innovation that is transferable to companies. Funded by the Interreg-Sudoe program with a budget of 1.4 million euros, this interdisciplinary and cross-border project plans to help researchers and stakeholders […]


The objective of HP4ALL is to develop the necessary competencies for the realization of high quality optimized heat pump installations, ensuring energy efficiency improvements in residential and non-residential buildings, bringing Europe to the forefront of air conditioning. To achieve this purpose, the project will develop the HP4All package, a set of tools and resources aimed […]


The objective of the European SPEEDIER project is to promote energy audits and the implementation of energy saving measures in SMEs. It has a budget of 2 million euros and is co-financed by the Horizon 2020 Framework Program (H2020) of the European Union (EU). SPEEDIER contemplates four pilot areas for its implementation and bases its […]


The European project DURABLE aims to accelerate the deployment of renewable energies in the Atlantic region (Spain, Portugal, France, Ireland and the United Kingdom), through the application of drones and robots for the operation and maintenance of wind and solar energy systems. The application of this technology will allow automating inspection and repair tasks, reducing […]


CTA is a member, together with the consulting firm Track Global Solutions, of the consortium that won a tender for a project tendered by the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (Minagri) and financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The tender involves the contract for a consultancy service for the preparation of the bases, […]


The European finMED project aims to boost the financing of innovation in sectors linked to ‘green growth‘, i.e. sustainable or environmentally friendly, in the Mediterranean region. The project has a budget of €4.3 million, 85% of which is financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the European Union (EU) Interreg-Med transnational cooperation program (€3.65 […]

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