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The European InTransit project aims to strengthen the resilience of textile, aerospace, construction and advance manufacturing SMEs as greener and digital sectors with a mixed support mechanism that includes individual counseling and a funding voucher to ensure their consolidation and sustainability. InTransit (Strengthening the resilience of textile, aerospace, and construction SMEs to transition towards greener […]



The European BIOTRANSFORM project aims to provide European policy makers with an appropriate assessment and policy development framework, knowledge base and expert support ecosystem to accelerate the transition from linear fossil-based to circular bio-based systems. The BIOTRANSFORM project (TRANSFORMING the Circular BIOeconomy for regions by enabling resource and governance networks) will last thirty months and […]


The METASTARS project aims to create a grouping of European clusters to support SMEs in the aerospace and defense (ASD) ecosystem. The project will provide financial support to SMEs to develop innovative projects and benefit from services to adapt to new technologies, to develop or strengthen their green and digital transition, their innovation potential, their […]


The European SCALE-UP project aims to identify and expand innovative and sustainable value chains based on the bioeconomy. SCALE-UP will facilitate knowledge sharing and capacity building for sustainable rural development and support regional stakeholders (farmers, companies, associations, entrepreneurs, researchers and public administration) to identify and develop innovative business models based on bioeconomy. To this end, […]


The European ROBIN project aims to promote innovative governance models in the Circular Bioeconomy to help regional administrations accelerate the green transition. The project has the full title “Deploying Circular BIOeconomies at the regional level with a territorial approach” and lays the groundwork for empowering and fulfilling the role of European regional authorities to use […]


The DIVAx project aims to develop a set of services aimed at promoting the “Europeanization” of companies and helping them benefit from financing and collaboration opportunities at European level. ​ DIVAx will facilitate the opening to Europe of ‘AgTech’ SMEs, that is, those that use digital technology applied to agriculture. The project will offer a […]

P5 Innobroker

The European P5 Innobroker project aims to promote Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) in Southern European countries. CTA leads this initiative, co-financed by the COSME program of the European Union (EU), in which five other European entities also participate. P5 Innobroker is a strategic project for the European Commission, which aims to promote the launch […]

P2P finBIO

The European P2P finBIO project aims to facilitate access to finance for European SMEs in the bioeconomy sector. The P2P finBIO project consortium will work closely together to develop a guide to best practices and funding support instruments for the national and European landscape. In this way, the project aims for European innovation support institutions […]


The BIObec project seeks to promote bioeconomy training to bridge the gap between the bio-based industry and the education system. The project will establish multi-level Bio-based Education Centers (BBECs) to act as hubs or knowledge centers that bridge the gap between academic institutions, students, innovation entities and policy makers. With a budget of 1.5 million […]


The European project ZeroW(Systemic Innovations Towards a Zero Food Waste Supply Chain) aims to contribute to reducing food waste through the application of systemic innovations in ‘living labs’, i.e. experimental environments for co-creating innovation. ZeroW is a project funded by the Horizon 2020 program through the European Green Deal call.European Green Deal has a budget […]

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