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The objective of the European GEN4OLIVE project is to characterize, conserve and exploit the genetic resources of the olive tree, bringing them closer to both breeders of new varieties and olive growers, for the improvement of the crop and food security. The universities of Córdoba (coordinator), Jaén and Granada, Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía (CTA) and […]


The INTECMED project aims to promote the development of incubators to accelerate business innovation and knowledge transfer between research centers and the European industrial fabric. INTECMED is a strategic project co-financed by the European Union under the ENI CBC MED program for cross-border cooperation in the Mediterranean area. It is made up of partners from […]


The BIO4AFRICA project will support the deployment of the bioeconomy in rural Africa through the development of bio-based value chains and solutions. The project will develop a catalog of bio-based technologies adapted to local needs and context and will train farmers in rural Africa to sustainably produce a variety of high value-added bio-based projects, such […]


The MPowerBIO project will enable European clusters in the bioeconomy sector to be better adapted to help SMEs overcome the so-called “valley of death”, i.e. to get investors to move from idea to marketable product or service. MPowerBIO (“Empowering clusters to help SMEs overcome the valley of death“) is co-funded by the Bio-Based Industries Joint […]


The European Tr@nsnet project aims to contribute to the energy transition by defining a new university living lab model, i.e. a real test bed for open innovation that is transferable to companies. Funded by the Interreg-Sudoe program with a budget of 1.4 million euros, this interdisciplinary and cross-border project plans to help researchers and stakeholders […]


The European ConnectEO project aims to promote market access for European earth observation SMEs in two target countries: Australia and Chile. The project will focus on the use of earth observation technologies to address key business opportunities and socioeconomic and environmental challenges in the maritime and agricultural sectors. ConnectEO will comply with the implementation plan […]


The objective of HP4ALL is to develop the necessary competencies for the realization of high quality optimized heat pump installations, ensuring energy efficiency improvements in residential and non-residential buildings, bringing Europe to the forefront of air conditioning. To achieve this purpose, the project will develop the HP4All package, a set of tools and resources aimed […]


The DIGITbrain project aims to provide European SMEs with easy access to digital twin technology, which consists of a virtual replica of their products, services and processes to optimize their management. DIGITbrain will leverage the European network of digital innovation centers to implement a smart business model called manufacturing as a service (MaaS), which will […]


The BIOSWITCH project aims to raise awareness and help brand owners convert their products into bio-based goods to boost the European bioeconomy. Andalusia will serve as a model demonstration region with the participation of the La Caña Group, due to the great potential of this Autonomous Community to develop the bioeconomy, due to the importance […]


The agroBRIDGES project proposes the development of a multi-stakeholder framework for the agri-food sector, as well as a set of practical support tools to improve the market position of farmers and reduce the margin of intermediaries. To this end, the project will promote the establishment of Short Food Supply Chains in 12 European regions. The […]

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