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The European DIVA project , with 10 partners and a total budget of more than 4 million euros for three years, which has been approved for funding from the European Horizon 2020 (H2020) program, the European Commission’s major framework for supporting innovation and research. The DIVA project, led by the French cluster Agri-Sud Ouest Innovation […]


The European finMED project aims to boost the financing of innovation in sectors linked to ‘green growth‘, i.e. sustainable or environmentally friendly, in the Mediterranean region. The project has a budget of €4.3 million, 85% of which is financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the European Union (EU) Interreg-Med transnational cooperation program (€3.65 […]


The European project EXCornsEED has a budget of 7.2 million euros to develop sustainable technologies to obtain functional ingredients for food, chemicals and cosmetics from the secondary effluents of corn, bioethanol and biodiesel biorefineries. It has a duration of three and a half years and has an incentive of 4.2 million euros from the partnership. […]


The European project EERES4WATER aims to optimize the energy management of the integral water cycle. Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía (CTA) leads this project in which 11 research centers and technology companies from five Atlantic countries (Spain, Portugal, France, United Kingdom and Ireland) also participate. Through the involvement of the public administration, universities, research centers, SMEs […]


proyectos internacionales transener

CTA is one of the 8 European partners of the Tr@nsener project (Interreg-Sudoe), which, with a budget of 1.8M€, aims to increase the innovation potential of European regions in the field of electricity technologies and to improve the efficiency of electricity systems. The project is led by the French university Toulouse III Paul Sabatier and […]


proyectos internacionales superbio

SMEs related to the biotechnology, agri-food or energy and environment sectors have a great opportunity to grow and get closer to the market through the European SuperBIO project, which aims to boost the European bioeconomy. Specifically, SuperBIO offers financing of up to 75% of the cost of innovation support services valued at up to €60,000. […]


The University of Cordoba (UCO), Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía (CTA), the Andalusian Energy Agency and Prodetur participate, in collaboration with the Association of Renewable Energy Producers (APPA) and four Portuguese entities, in the European project Biomasstep, which will be funded by the European Commission (EC) within the cross-border cooperation program Interreg Poctep 2014-2020. The Biomasstep […]


67789192 - cows on farm. black and white cows eating hay in the stable.

CTA participates in the consortium developing the European project ICT AGRI2 (Information and Communication Technologies and Robotics for Sustainable Agriculture). The project aims to contribute to the development of eco-efficient, sustainable and competitive agriculture by promoting and improving the use of ICT and robotic systems. The consortium is made up of European organizations that manage […]


proyectos internacionales sunroad

CTA participates, on behalf of Andalusia, in a European project (CIP) led by Zabala Innovation Consulting to design the roadmap for the photovoltaic sector and propose the most appropriate policy measures to achieve European technical leadership that translates into competitiveness, growth and job creation in the region. To achieve this objective, an extensive and powerful […]

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