CTA participates in a report of the Junta de Andalucía on Andalusian capabilities in AI

The Regional Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities has identified up to 189 entities with activity and research capacity in Artificial Intelligence (AI), of which 110 are companies, 56 belong to the Andalusian knowledge system and 23 are scientific and technological infrastructures. This is the result of the report ‘Identification of Andalusian capabilities […]
CTA presents a diagnosis and action plan for the EBT of Seville commissioned by the City Council

Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía (CTA) today presented a pioneering report commissioned by the City Council of Seville, which includes a diagnosis and an action plan for the city’s EBTs. The report was presented by CTA’s Technical Director and Business Development Consultant, Fabian Varas y Maria Garciaduring a technical seminar organized at the CREA Building for […]
PCT Cartuja grows by 4% and beats its historical maximum of entities, according to its annual inventory prepared by CTA

The Cartuja Science and Technology Park, whose management company reports to the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Andalusian Regional Government, once again achieved historic figures in 2016. This year the venue welcomed 442 companies and organizations, 4% more than a year earlier. These entities generated direct employment of 16,700 workers, compared to 16,429 […]