CTA solicits bids for the production of a promotional video for the European SUDOKET project.

CTA has opened the call for bids for the elaboration of a promotional video to present the results of the European project SUDOKET (project SOE2/P1/E0677: “Mapping, consolidation and dissemination of Key Enabling Technologies – KETs for the construction sector in the SUDOE area”. Check the requirements in the additional documentation and participate until June 10 […]

CTA solicits web development bids for ATRESBIO project

CTA has opened the deadline to receive bids for the development of the ATRESBIO project website (“Boosting Andalusian capacities for the Bioeconomy in the Olive Sector, Horticulture and Algal Biomass)”. The website should include a general description of the project, an online search engine with downloadable pdf files and an interactive map. The project is […]

CTA solicits bids for the development of a platform for the presentation, management, evaluation and monitoring of open calls in European projects with cascade funding.

CTA has opened the call for bids for the development of a platform for the presentation, management, evaluation and monitoring of open calls in European projects with cascade funding. This contract is part of the European project GEN4OLIVE Mobilization of Olive GenRes through pre-breeding activities to face the future challenges and development of an intelligent […]

CTA solicits bids for external audit of European INTECMED project

CTA opens the deadline to receive offers for the revision of the declarations to be made for the project B_A.2.1_0063_INTECMED, Incubators for innovation and technological transfer in the Mediterranean (project incentivized by the ENI CBC MED program). Requirements for the presentation of the offer (compliance with each one of the points must be indicated): The […]


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